David A. Burke HM Scholarship

This scholarship is offered to full-time students interested in pursuing a career in hospitality and tourism management. It is open to the following students:

  • incoming freshman with qualifying GPA
  • incoming transfer students
  • currently enrolled undergraduate and graduate students

Awarded during the 2025-2026 academic year.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • U.S. citizens, permanent residents, or international student on an aid eligible visa
  • Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0

If selected as a recipient for this scholarship, please note the following:
Prior to disbursing your award, it is imperative that a “thank you” letter, a brief biography and an appropriate head shot be submitted via AcademicWorks.* Students are also required to make an appointment with the CSHTM Career Services Office before disbursement, if awarded. Students can make an appointment through Handshake- Be sure to send confirmation of this appointment onto your Post-Acceptance Application. If you have already met with their office, you can use previous confirmation emails/letters.

Questions- contact the Office of Scholarships at scholarships@fiu.edu.

David A. Burke Foundation
Chaplin School of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Supplemental Questions
  1. Why I chose hospitality/tourism as a career
  2. Please submit an updated resume with work experience, academic achievements, clubs/activities, community service, etc.
  3. Choose the option that best represents your career focus