Green School Emergency Hardship Fund Application

The Green School Emergency Hardship Fund is supported by gifts from our generous donors. It provides financial support for students experiencing emergency hardships. Due to limited funds, all requests are subject to review and approval by the Dean’s Office.

To receive scholarship aid at FIU students must be a citizen of the United States, a U.S. lawful permanent resident, an international student with an F-1 visa. Please complete the following questions for consideration.

SIPA Dean’s Office
Supplemental Questions
  1. Are you employed by FIU?
  2. If you are a graduate or doctoral student, do you have an assistantship?
  3. Have you previously received emergency or hardship funds from the Green School?
  4. Have you ever received any other emergency or hardship funds from FIU and/or your department?
  5. Amount of funds requested for this application
  6. When do you need the funds?
  7. Please explain the reason why you need the funds. Please be as detailed as possible.
  8. Please explain the reason why you need the funds. Please be as detailed as possible.
  9. Please sign and date below to confirm that the information you have provided in this application is true and complete.
    • Date
    • Electronic Signature
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