Undergraduate to Graduate Program (UtGP)

The FIU Undergraduate to Graduate Program (UtGP) facilitates the recruitment of outstanding FIU undergraduate students who are committed to a specific FIU PhD program by providing support for a research experience with an FIU faculty member during the student’s junior or senior year. The FIU undergraduate student applies for the Program for the spring term of the student’s junior year or senior year for a one-term research experience with a faculty member research mentor. Once selected, juniors can have the experience in the spring or summer of the junior year. Seniors can have the experience in the spring or summer of their senior year. Students accepted into the program will be provided a one-term stipend of $500 and up to $1,000 for research expenses (e.g., supplies, etc.).

Selected students will participate in professional development and preparation for graduate school and external fellowship applications.

If the student is admitted in a PhD program at FIU, the student will have an UtGP stipend and tuition for four years. UGS will provide the tuition waiver, and UGS will share the cost of the stipend 50/50 with the major professor or the College. UGS will also provide the student up to $200 annually, for up to four years, that can be used to support travel to conferences. This award is contingent on the student maintaining good standing academically in their respective program.

NOTE: Awarding of the UtGP does not guarantee admissions into the FIU Ph.D. Program. Students must apply to the Ph.D. program separately.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • have a strong interest in research and in pursuing a Ph.D. at FIU;
  • GPA of 3.3 or higher preferred but not required;
  • be on track to graduate by Summer 2025 if you are a senior or Summer 2026 if you are a junior (students graduating in Fall 2024 are not eligible to apply).

University Graduate School
Supplemental Questions
  1. Undergraduate Studies
    • a) Please list your major and any minors if applicable
    • b) How many credits do you currently have at the time of this application?
    • c) Do you have previous research experience (not a requirement). If yes, please indicate the name of the faculty mentor with whom you conducted the research, research topic, and duration.
    • d) When is your expected graduation term as an undergraduate student?
  2. Graduate School
    • a) What Ph.D. program at FIU will you be applying to?
    • b) When do you expect to begin your Ph.D. program at FIU? Indicate semester AND year.
  3. Have you identified a prospective research mentor? If you have not, please contact the University Graduate School for assistance in identifying a mentor for you.
  4. Upload a personal statement (max 2 pages double-spaced, 12 pt. font): Be sure to indicate your research interest, experience (if any) in research, desire to pursue a Ph.D. at FIU, current or potential research mentor(s) and why you are interested in working with them.
  5. Please request two letters of recommendation. Ideally, one of the letters will be from the prospective research mentor (if you have identified one already) and *will include a mentorship statement and the availability of funding to support you once you transition into graduate school.*
    • b) Please enter the name and email address of your first reference
    • c) Please enter the name and email address of your second reference
  6. Upload a copy of your unofficial FIU transcript or official transcripts from other colleges/universities attended
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