Kathryn Lehman Weiner Scholarship

Award for 2024-2025

Friends and family of retired Congressman William Lehman created an endowment in memory of his daughter, Kathryn Lehman-Weiner, a dedicated public school teacher.  Kathryn Lehman Weiner scholars in English Education are selected for their love of language and their interest in advancing both verbal and communication skills among our young people.

Minimum eligibility requirements:

Must be enrolled as a full-time, degree-seeking student (12 credits undergraduate) in Education; English Education Major; GPA 3.0 or above; Required essay (1-2 pages) about career goals and an explanation of why the financial assistance would helpful in assisting the student meet his or her goals.

Recipients MUST be enrolled full-time (minimum 12 credits) for the Fall 2024 & Spring 2025 semester.

College of Education
Supplemental Questions
  1. Please submit a 1-2 page essay about your career goals and an explanation of why financial assistance would be helpful in meeting those goals.