Doctoral Evidence Acquisition (DEA) Fellowship

Doctoral Evidence Acquisition (DEA) Fellowship Guidelines – Fall 2024

The Doctoral Evidence Acquisition (DEA) Fellowship is specifically intended to support doctoral students for whom their current means of financial support would significantly interfere with or preclude their ability to collect the evidence needed for their doctoral research.* A DEA Fellow is awarded a stipend to enable evidence acquisition that otherwise would not be possible. *Evidence acquisition activities that might be supported by the DEA Fellowship include, but are not limited to, off-campus library/archive research, fieldwork, experiments, interviews, collection of specimens, etc.

Applicants should submit their complete application by 11:59pm on Sunday, June 9, 2024.

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for consideration for a DEA, applicants must:

  • Be currently enrolled for a minimum of three (3) dissertation credits
  • Have reached doctoral candidacy at the time of this Fellowship application (Doctoral Degree and Application for Candidacy approved by UGS in Spring 2024 or earlier)
  • Have dissertation proposal approved with UGS, or be in the process of submitting the proposal to UGS in Summer 2024 (If awarded, an approved dissertation proposal is required)
  • Full-time students who will be in the program for more than four years at the time of receiving the award (students who will be in their 13th term or beyond in Fall 2024) are not eligible to apply. If you were admitted in Fall 2020 or earlier, you are not eligible to apply.
  • If awarded, recipients must attest that they will work full-time on their dissertation research during the period of the fellowship and will not hold any other employment during that time

Please Note: UGS Fellowships can be awarded consecutively but not simultaneously.

Questions? Contact –

University Graduate School
Supplemental Questions
  1. Have you reached doctoral candidacy at the time of this Fellowship application (candidacy approved by UGS in Fall 2024 or earlier)?
  2. Proposed Title of Dissertation
  3. Summarize the significance of the project in non-specialist language.
  4. Summarize your research methodology and describe where your evidence acquisition will take place. Please indicate how being awarded a DEA will enhance your training, research experience, etc.
  5. Provide a timeline for acquisition of doctoral evidence, including collection of pilot data or preliminary research. Please include travel dates and be specific. Be clear about where the research currently stands. Include only evidence acquisition activities, i.e., do not include analysis, writing or presentation activities.
  6. Attach any letters or documentation of collaboration or invitation from a lab/library/site you will be visiting. (Please scan all documentation into one PDF)
  7. Explain exactly how your current means of financial support precludes or significantly interferes with your ability to carry out the acquisition of evidence required for the dissertation.
  8. Numbered list of published or accepted manuscripts from work done at FIU. Provide full citation and number of pages. Indicate clearly if manuscript is an original article, book chapter, or refereed conference proceeding.
  9. Numbered list of professional presentations (given or accepted) from work done at FIU. Only list presentations that have NOT been previously listed. Provide full citation including the list of authors as they appear. Do not repeat citations. Provide meeting, location, and date.
  10. Summary of previous and ongoing financial support during Doctoral Studies at FIU while as a student (e.g. TA, RA, Fellowships, scholarships, etc.). If reapplying after receiving a DEA Fellowship, why do you need to be awarded again?
  11. List all external funding specifically applied for by the student. Indicate if funding was awarded, the amount awarded, and the period of support provided.
  12. Please request a reference from your Major Professor (Letter of recommendation from Major Professor is required).
  13. Please request two references from faculty other than your major professor (Letter of Recommendation from two faculty members is required).
    • Enter name and e-mail address of first faculty member providing reference here.
    • Enter name and e-mail address of second faculty member providing reference here.
  14. Please type in your first and last name acknowledging that you understand and attest all information provided is accurate to the best of your knowledge.
  15. Show 9 more